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NELT Dobanovci-Warehouse and Logistic Center

VMS  has a dual role on this project as Structural Design Engineer and the Consultant providing project management services including supervision of works. Works started on 02/08/2013 and the planned completion date is the end of June 2019. Facility Hall 5 has BRGP 17.063,00m2.
The net surface of the building is 16.157,40 m2 and consists of two functional units for different purposes:
Part A – Offices-NBA = 3.314,00 m2
Part B – Warehouse-NBA= 12.843,40 m2
The warehouse is rack type having Ground floor (GF+0) and Ground floor +Gallery  (GF+G) and is designed to meet the required storage capacities or the number of pallets. The administrative part and the workers’ section have Ground floor +3 Storeys (P + 3), but up to the maximum height of the warehouse part of the building. The facility is primarily designed as a warehouse for the storage of palletized goods, so all other functions are related to this. It is intended to have a maximum of 130 permanent employees of different qualifications structures + 50 part time employees (depending on the scope and type of work), which is a total of 180 persons permanently and part time employed in shifts. There will be 130 employees in the administration.